
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

A boring collection of random thoughts

Why is it that you can make lists, and then you do stuff that's on the lists, but the lists still get longer? It doesn't make sense. Probably cos you do all the fun stuff first, and leave all the boring stuff, so it just gets left there until you finally realise you have a deadline and do it in a panic.

So today I knuckled down to doing some Christmas cards, and got half of them done. I'm afraid some people may be getting e-cards instead, since the postage to England is more than the cards themselves (not that I was buying cheap cards, but y'know), so don't feel insulted ;o) And as for presents, well I haven't even started yet, and that doesn't bode well.

The temporary snow we had for a few hours yesterday has not led to more whiteness, although everywhere else seems to be stuggling under the weight of snow, both further up the north coast and further down the south, so how the snow has missed us I am not quite sure. Although if I am going to buy a car, then I guess I shouldn't be wishing for bad weather.

A thought to end with, courtesy of my marvellous friend Shaw; "Romance is not dead darling, it's just in a coma."


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