
Friday, October 22, 2004

A day of discussion

What started off as a seemingly productive work day has pretty much not been one. This is not a bad thing, mind you, since I have spent the day having even more productive messenger conversations with old friends, new friends, semi-new friends, etc, etc. Somehow having got up with good intentions and started work by 9am merged into finishing work at 9pm, having only completed 4 hours' worth. The math does not add up.

The only foray out has been to the 7/11 two blocks south of here, for milk and Cheetos (which I have an unhealthy obsession with), and as such, I feel rather unhealthy. My eating patterns seem to have gone to shit, and my trousers are becoming baggier by the day. Note to self; get proper job and proper diet.

However, a thanks goes out to James, who I have known for six years and who continues to surprise me by his impartial advice and support, even whilst trying to woo me at the same time ;o) cheers mate. I appreciate the pep talk. And as for the discussions about what we thought of each other in first year, I have to say that I must go around with my eyes closed half the time. Ah, the days of being a wet-behind-the-ears fresher.

Further messenger discussions with a friend who is preparing to go to California for a month to live with the guy who I did a Chemistry module with last year, and who she thought was fit for a good few months before realising he was actually more than that. Apparently the discussions have gone as far as cat vs dog as a pet, and where the pets will sleep at night. So in a bid to stake her claim for cat, in kitchen (as opposed to dog, in bedroom) she is packing up and moving from Northern Ireland to Downey, CA, as long as the month goes well. I am crossing my fingers for you both....

And now, after further rather cheering forays on messenger, some hideous photos being taken (you know who you are, buster - grrr) and some interesting reading matter, it rains. Again. I really do feel at home here in the evenings when it rains, it's so Manchester-esque. Without the scallies.

And so, to bed. To dream of sunnier climes, and sunnier moments.


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