
Saturday, October 23, 2004


Today Denise lugged a pumpkin back to the house so that we can prepare for the coming children-fest that is Halloween. God help us. Hopefully because we are a basement flat, we won't get any kids coming down to us, but we'll have to think of some horrible thing to put on the door to ward them off just in case.

I have noticed that there are a large number of Viagra commercials on the tv here. They involve men in various showers and baths, singing "I did it my way" loudly and untunefully. This just strikes me as bizarre because I haven't seen any Viagra adverts in England.

I have decided to treat my time in Canada not as the rest of my life, but as a provisional year. If I can get through a year here, I can either carry on in Vancouver or go home to England without feeling like I didn't give this a try. That gives me until about September next year to get a damn job....

In other news, Denise and I have decided to try and fly back to England together in February (does she realise what she's letting herself in for with my dislike of flights?) so she can see her friends and I can visit mine - so I need to work like stink until then and get some dosh together.

Or perhaps that isn't a good idea. Who knows.


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