
Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Having taken Denise to the airport this morning at 4am, I am rather tired. This may seem like a bit of overkill, since she could easily have got a taxi, but I always vowed that when I had a car I would actually be useful to people, having experienced lots of people at Uni (with some exceptions of course) who used their cars like a bargaining chip. Hence it is only half an hour out of my sleep to get up and take her to the airport, and seeing as I shall not see her for three weeks, this seems like a minor inconvenience.

Anyway, I am now alone for Christmas. Although at first I dreaded this, I am now beginning to see it as rather a good thing. I need to get my head sorted out a bit, and some time without communication or interaction with people will probably be helpful. Certainly mildly depressing, but probably good for me. Though I may miss talking to my friends, I could probably do with some time to myself, and at least if I have anything important to say to them I will have the time to compose an e-mail, rather than just getting on messenger and having inane conversations which get me in trouble. This may be the same for other people as well. I shall still blog of course, as there is always a need to talk about stuff to someone who won't talk back.

Christmas gets more pointless for me every year anyway, as we can never think of things to get each other and we seem to have less money to do so. This year the lack of even a tree perhaps means that I should get over the pretending to be joyous thing and in fact just treat it as some time to reflect. And though I am not religious and have never been to church, this year I have resolved to go to midnight mass, because in the middle of being alone here I can be together with people, whilst remaining just one in the crowd. I feel the need to go and see what Christmas is meant to be about, rather than just sitting at home and enjoying presents, as if that were all that the holiday was meant for.

This all probably sounds like ramble, but I am tired and emotional, and wish my life would sort itself out properly. People keep telling me to get out and meet more friends - it's not that I'm not trying, I'm just in that state of mind where you would be useless to most of the people you meet anyway. Limbo. Lots of issues unresolved; hopefully some will be resolved by me over the Christmas period, and some by the words and deeds of other people.

So, to all the people going home for the holidays and henceforth uncontactable, have a good holiday. Let's hope the New Year brings resolutions of every kind. Much love xx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm posting this as a comment because I've just read your blog and am about to go home so don't want to open my email again in case there are others to answer..
I didn't mean to tell you to get out & meet more people, even though I know that's essentially what I did tell you...I certainly understand what it's like to not feel 'right' enough to present oneself to others as a possible acquaintance. I felt that way when I met you, though - and look how well that turned out! Well, maybe not so well for you ;) but smashingly for me.

2:40 p.m.  
Blogger D. said...

Cripes... and I thought I had a long day. You NEVER have to drive me to the airport that early again ever!!! I probably won't have a flight that early ever again. I hope you are going to be okay alone. You will probably enjoy the solitude and be sad when I get back and start taking up space again. The only shitty thing is the time of year it is. Anyways, I hope that you've at least gone grocery shopping. Food... a classic comfort device, I highly recommend it if feeling depressed. I'll be in touch.

6:33 p.m.  
Blogger Caroline & Richard said...

I have been reading your blog for a month or two now (sorry if this sounds scary!) and thought it was about time I posted a brief comment to say how much I admire your courage in dropping everything and moving away. It's something I can relate to wanting to do but I've never had that courage and I have enjoyed reading about your experiences even you haven't enjoyed some of them so much!

I was also wandering if the 'Trof' you were referring to in this post was the one in Fallowfield opposite Owens Park?

3:11 a.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

Hi Rich, it is indeed the one in Fallowfield, are you at Manchester Uni?

9:01 a.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

I take it back, I've just read your blog and you're obviously not! That'll teach me to comment before I have investigated the facts... well hello anyway Rich, and thanks for sticking with the blog. Perhaps I'll see you in Trof in a couple of months' time!

9:17 a.m.  
Blogger Caroline & Richard said...

Hi Jen. I was a student there - 3 years ago. Seems like an age! Did you go to Manchester? (I guess you did!)

I haven't been to Trof for a while. Great hangover cure their All Day Breakfast!

Keep up the good work! :)

4:12 p.m.  
Blogger Caroline & Richard said...

Sorry - Almost forgot to ask: "Largest Naans in the UK" Even better than La Haweli?!

4:14 p.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

Hey Rich, I did go to Manchester, for both my undergrad (Psychology) and a masters (Crime & Law). Finished in 2003. Trof was our saviour on many a day, especially the thai chicken wrap and massively gooey chocolate cake. As for the best naans in the UK, they have to be seen to be believed. One naan will feed three people easily, and the family sized ones are about three feet long and a foot wide. You practically need another table for them. So if you're ever in Bradford, be sure to go to Omar's on Great Horton Road....

4:57 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Food is awesome. I hope to see all these places in Feb.

9:34 p.m.  

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