
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

House 1, job 0

So first off, Keane were FANTASTIC. I think I've seen more British bands here in Canada than I ever did in England, but that's the way it goes I guess! I liked their lighting, very white and dark, just like their album cover and their general merchandising. The highlights of the evening were the old woman next to Denise falling asleep during the warm-up band (very loud rock), the fact that the Keane lead singer looks about 12, the girl who managed to climb up onto the stage and strangle the singer before the security guard wrestled her off him, and the fact that the drummer had a variety of facial movements which were almost as interesting to watch as the actual gig. Whilst watching the warm-up band, I realised that all drummers have their individual mannerisms, some of which are hilarious and some of which make them look as though they are seriously mental. Anyway, the Keane drummer did this kind of side twitch every time he drummed to the left side. It was an interesting night!

Yesterday I got confirmation that I can have a room in the house I looked round on Monday with Denise. We interrupted some poor girl in the middle of her study session with friends/general pizza fest, but she was graceful enough to show us round. Think two levels, parquet flooring, 8 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, pool table, wicked kitchen, huge airy living room, hot tub/sauna, swimming pool and huge deck. Need I say more? The room for rent was in the lower/basement floor, but it didn't feel basementy, and it was big enough to have a double bed, desk, chest of drawers and closet and still feel ok. The hot tub was not working, and the pool filter was broken so it had gone green, but apparently this is being sorted out. The deck could fit about 30 people on and everything was great. The two/three housemates we met were really nice, and all in all I was glad to find something I actually really liked. My rent will go up from $400 now (about £170) to $530 (about £225) in the new place, but I'll just have to get a shitty job to pay the extra. Screw poverty, I have a pool! Pictures will come, but not for a couple of weeks until I move in there. I meet the landlady on Saturday to sort out details, so hopefully she won't raise the rent or anything horrible. And there should be another room free, as there were only 6 people living there, so perhaps I can get out of the basement floor after all. It's so good to get something sorted out! Now I just need a job, new brakes for my squeaky car, better skin, the winning lottery ticket..... ;o)

Oh, on Monday night we saw Kingdom of Heaven. What can I say? Orlando Bloom wore his usual perpetually perplexed expression throughout, and it was ok. Not great, just ok. And at the end I was just left wondering why they didn't make a truce before thousands of people got slaughtered. But hey, maybe I'm just too simplistic!

As an aside, Denise and I were sitting in our flat about two hours ago, when the tv turned itself on. I assumed it was Denise, she assumed it was me. It was neither of us. Explanations?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must be so relieved.
Re: the TV, did the set itself turn on, or just the cable box? My cable turns on and off sometimes in the middle of the night - I think the cable company does maintenance checks then.
Also: your spa day sounded so fun that I'm now arranging one for myself.

7:34 a.m.  
Blogger Caroline & Richard said...

Well done on the house front. Certainly beats the pants off rent in Manchester - trust me!!!

Hope it all works out?

5:31 a.m.  

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