
Saturday, October 01, 2005


Last night was the Athlete concert - two gigs in four days is good going by my standards - and it was extremely good. I sat there thinking how much they looked like a band made up of someone's little brother and his friends, who used to practice in the garage on Sundays. Geekiness prevails in that band. But they play damn well, and I was quite glad to realise that actually most of the Athlete songs I have on my computer are the least-good ones, which means that the most-good ones are still to get. Christie and I thoroughly enjoyed the show, and although it looked for a minute as though the lead singer had given away his guitar to someone in the audience at the end of the last song, actually the roadie took it back when the lights came up. Which was kind of rude really, but there you go. I bought myself an Athlete T-shirt and didn't look at it too closely, because it was dark, and when I got it home I found that a drunken blind person had printed the logo on, because it's sloping down the shirt rather than being straight across. But then I guess it adds character to it. Or something.

Anyway, now I've only got one more gig ticket up on my pinboard, the Killers and British Sea Power on the 13th October, so I'd better start booking myself some more gigs or I'll start to get withdrawal symptoms. I'm keeping a look out for things that are coming up, but so far nothing has caught my fancy.

A note of caution: I've just got back from seeing Into The Blue at the cinema. Don't bother - unless you feel satisfied when you come out of movies in which all the bad guys die, all the good guys live, everyone who does die should have been dead 10 minutes before they actually perished but magically have superhuman strength, and where the treasure is found and everyone lives happily ever after. But it was a choice between that and Made In Heaven (or whatever the hell it's called) so it wasn't really much choice at all.

Now I've just eaten a chicken/chilli/basil concoction with rice that my lovely housemate made and left for me in the fridge, because he's nice like that, and apparently there is an ice cream cookie waiting for me as well. So, dear readers, I'm off to scoff my little heart out. Ciao!!


Blogger D. said...

I wish my housemates made me dinner. Oh wait they do... because they're my parents.

I'm glad to hear that only having one more concert to look forward to means that you have to start looking for more shows to go to. I am sure some more will pop up before Christmas. Loads of new cd's are going to be released this fall so there have to be accompanying tours. I'll cross my fingers that these bands don't neglect Vancouver.

6:25 a.m.  

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