
Sunday, October 24, 2004

Alone in Company

So maybe I try too hard
But it’s all because of this desire
I just wanna be liked, I just wanna be funny
Looks like the joke's on me
So call me Captain Backfire

I am currently watching the Red Sox fall apart defensively and do their best to throw away a one-game lead over the Cardinals. This has been preceded by dinner, some working on Denise's computer (our combined efforts to make it run faster and more efficiently - we have yet to see whether this has worked), a foray down the street to the postbox and 7/11, and a small amount of work. We have also both entered into a Pepsi draw to win an I-pod every hour, though for the hours that Denise and I have entered, they are currently 'verifying' who has won, so it's probably not us.

I have also applied for a job on outpatients at the hospital, mainly because it pays well ($18.50/hr) and is casual and shift work, so is nice and flexible. I have written a letter to the Vancouver coroner asking for work experience, and perused some jobs online.

However, apart from Denise (who is doing a good job of keeping me sane), I haven't actually talked to anyone today. Messenger has been singularly quiet; people obviously have hangovers from last night. Likewise I have had no e-mails, and no phone calls. It is at times like these that I realise how far away I have come (in distance, not in personal development - if anything I've regressed) from three weeks ago.

I am planning in stages; stage 1 is between now and Dec 28th, when my cousin comes over for a snowboarding holiday and I hope to meet all his friends. Stage 2 then begins, and will hopefully end when I get my arse over to England around Feb/March (still haven't decided whether this is a good idea or not). Then who knows when stage 3 will end, though some people have expressed an interest in maybe getting over here around Easter when it's fairly cheap. Then the parents come over in July, and my friend Liz in August (so I have to cope until then otherwise she'll kill me, she's arranging an itinerary already!). Broken up like that, it's not too bad. But I have bought two more lottery tickets for the English lottery next week, so if I suddenly come into some money, that could all change...


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