
Thursday, December 23, 2004


So far this being alone for Christmas thing isn't going too badly. I got up at a decent time today but then went back to bed with a splitting headache and got up at midday. Since then I have just been at the computer working, accompanied by various episodes of CSI, the Simpsons, The Godfather (Part I), Fear Factor and something else that I can't remember but which obviously wasn't that good. In addition I have eaten far too many crisps, have been in my pyjamas all day, and have received a picture that my cousin's four year old daughter drew for me through the post (is she my second cousin, or my cousin once removed, or are they the same thing?). Have received e-mails from two not-quite-exes (as they were not-really-boyfriends), both containing cheery season's greetings and updates on life (one guy in China, one travelling around but back in England for Christmas), had two distinctly dodgy conversations on messenger, and one by e-mail. All in all, a cheerful time of combining lazing, eating and working. I call that a successful day.


Blogger Jen said...

Well, that particular conversation did....

5:49 p.m.  

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