
Saturday, February 12, 2005

Home sweet home

Hoorah, I have survived the flight! Actually it wasn't that bad - a bit of turbulence but nothing out of the ordinary, although landing at Glasgow and then waiting around to take off again was kind of boring. Plus neither me or Denise could sleep, so we were zombies by the time we got into Gatwick. I pointed Denise in the direction of London Bridge and armed her with a map of the tube, so I hope she reached her destination. I then got on a coach and came to Oxford, where my lovely parents picked me up, fed me, showed me how to use the new shower and let me pass out at 7:30pm. Whereupon I slept until 9am this morning with only one brief period of waking up and not remembering where the hell I was.

So now I am eating as much food as I possibly can, reveling in the fact that it is a really nice day here, and am about to go and watch the rugby. Plus I have to take the car out for a spin later so I can get used to driving it - drivers here are just as bad as in Vancouver, and this morning someone reversed into us in Waitrose car park. I also plan to try and work out a rough schedule for seeing everyone across the country, but for now, I will just say that I am in one piece, and thanks to everyone who wished me good luck/happy birthday/happy valentines day. When I am less jetlagged I will catch up on comments and e-mails......


Blogger D. said...


I made it here alive, in one piece with all luggage, and without getting lost. Thanks for your help. I will catch up with you in a few days. The Thursday Evening/Friday Morning Oxford arrival is still unknown because there is a possibility that we might be going to the theatre on Thurs. Eve. I hope you are well at home. Take Care!!! ~D.~

1:18 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay you made it!
Have a great time, will see you when you get back!

6:06 a.m.  
Blogger Greg said...

What a strange comment posting box. Anyhow, just to say nice touchdown, and I look forward to your northern jaunt.

10:06 a.m.  

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