
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The million dollar question

Ok, so it's not for a million dollars, but it's for posterity. Answer me this.

You suspect a guy you like (a lot - underline at will) is seeing another girl. Since you and said guy are not going out, this is not a betrayal, but is not good for the ego, since at one time he seemed to like you a lot in return. You try and ask if your suspicion is true, whereupon he flies into a rage and is horrible to you for insinuating such terrible things. Some time later, when things seem to be going ok between you, he invites you to sleep with him. A short time after this, you find he is indeed going out with said girl, not through a message to your good self telling you this, but through the proverbial grapevine. And the relationship started before the offer of a bed. The explanation for this extremely hurtful (upsetting, gutting, did I mention hurtful) behaviour?

Suggestions gratefully received; male or female, chip in and have your say. And there is, as yet, no answer to this question, so I'll just take the one I like most and pretend it's true....feel free to make up entire stories.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are both nice and supportive comments, but they are not answers to your question. The best answer is either amnesia or quicksand. It is possible that your lovely golden hair triggers some kind of amnesiac hypnosis when flashed in said boy's face, rendering him incapable of remembering his girlfriend and even resulting, much as is the case with someone with dementia, in full-on anger when a suggestion is made that this girlfriend might exist.
Then there is quicksand. He is afraid of quicksand, and feels the earth starting to melt and suck him in as soon as he sees you. His only option is to grab onto you, and knowing that you will push him away if he tell you that he is seeing someone else, he lies through his teeth to save his life.

6:41 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not unless Jenny has on purpose sprinkled special forgetfulness glitter, made of water from the river Lethe and moonlight, in her hair. Did you, Jen?

9:17 a.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

Um, not that I know of. I suppose I could have jogged past the river Lethe and inadvertently got some of its water on my clothing, and then accidentally passed through a beam of moonlight before talking to said boy, but I doubt it. Though forgetfulness glitter is a good idea to be stored away for the future. Perhaps in conjunction with the two-by-four? Swing two-by-four, sprinkle glitter, make boy forget what you did to him, swing two-by-four, sprinkle glitter..... and so on. Could be bloody hilarious!!

1:12 p.m.  
Blogger The Outlaw said...

It is simple enough. Anything less than monogamy is not meant to be messed with in any circumstance.

I propose the M&M theory. Adolescent male minds get bored easily. They can only be with one girl for so long before they want a new one. The theoretical saying is "a man can only eat so many green M&Ms before he goes for a red one". Let me make myself clear (historically it has been proven to be necessary to clarify this point) that just because he apparently didn't choose you and only you, this DOES NOT mean that there is anything wrong with YOU!

Respectable young women such as yourself should by all means find a mate. But little boys who should grow up, need not apply!

4:06 p.m.  
Blogger Greg said...

The simplest answer is probably just that people can be complete assholes, and a lot of us have a weakness for wanting to eat our cakes and still have them.

One of the bits that puzzles me is where the hurt comes from here, Jen. There are loads of things that could have been hurtful - lying to you about the relationship, getting angry and indignant about that fact, sleeping with you under - in effect - false pretenses, and the way you found out about the relaionship. So where's the hurt coming from, exactly? And why now? Has this been festering for a long time, or have you just found out about this?

Sorry, at times by pedantry gets the better of me.

Other than that, I like Shaw's amnesia theory. And the quicksand one, but the first is more, um, something.

(Why am I contributing to this anyway? I'll be seeing you tomorrow.)

3:41 a.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

All of the above, Greg! General hurt on all points. I have had my suspicions for a while ('festering', as you put it!), but let's just say that they got confirmed a short time ago. Sometimes finding out you were right is just bloody annoying...

5:00 a.m.  

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