
Sunday, October 31, 2004

Not your usual Saturday night

I realised today what I find most attractive about people. I was going through the photos on my computer, and the ones I love are the ones where people are showing all their emotions in their eyes. The photos can be crap (though often they're not), but give me a pair of deep eyes and nice eyebrows, and I'm yours for life.

On the night before Halloween, we go to an Ann Summers type party. A selection of products appear for our perusal, as demonstrated by "Nurse Davis" - in the shortest nurse's outfit ever, guaranteed to send blokes with dodgy tickers over the edge.

The night was actually very entertaining, and not really sleazy; in fact there were quite a few educational discussions, though I have to say that I did not take part in the "win some prizes for telling us the most unusual place you've had sex" debate. People came out at the end of the night with bags of stuff, and I mean bags. An impromptu shop was set up in the bedroom, and queues developed for private purchasings.

Being good, I remembered the fact that a) I have no boyfriend to buy stuff for and b) I have no job, therefore no money to spend on personal gratification, and hence I only bought one thing, for the minimal price of $5. It wasn't anything exciting, before you ask. However I did take the list of products away, as did everyone else, with 'possible future purchases' marked - on the offchance that I actually get a job/come into some money/find an (available) bloke.

On a more romantic, and somewhat soppy note, the item I most wanted off the list.......was a 'Bed of Roses' kit. Includes a large number of real rose petals, 4 tea lights, and invitations to leave for your chosen man, so that you can spread a trail of petals through the house to wherever you happen to be. Sad. But I still yearn for it.......


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