
Thursday, October 28, 2004

On morals....and stuff

My last post was described as "cryptic" yesterday. It wasn't meant to be, but sometimes you just feel that analogies work best. Thoughts come up out of the blue that aren't linked to anyone, or anything, in particular, and you have to find some way of putting them into words without the need for specifics. And anyway, if we always wrote simply and logically, there would never be any mystery about anyone. Which would make life very boring.

As an example of this, take last night. I was lying in bed when the issue of morals came into my mind. Now I don't pretend to be the most moral of people, and in the past I have done things that I never thought I would do, but I have certain codes that I would never break. I've never cheated on anyone (though here I invite comments on what your definition of 'cheating' is), I've always kept quiet when people have asked me not to mention something that is really important (I don't mean all those times when you're kids and your friend tells you they fancy Bob from down the road, I mean actual important stuff with ramifications), and I never ever compare past boyfriends or talk about intimate details of our relationships. True, I've done stuff I'm not proud of; I've shoplifted, I've fancied other people's boyfriends, I've lied, I even ran away from home once. But there are some things I think you just can't compromise on.

These points weren't things that I thought about and decided to keep to, they were just things that evolved over the years. The ex-boyfriend thing was brought up by James on messenger the other day, who was making blatently untrue statements about a guy in first year Uni, in an effort to try and get me to dish the dirt on what happened between us one fateful night. Not only is talking about that sort of thing unfair, but who am I to say what was good and what was bad about it? As if I'm the expert! So sorry James, no can do. You'll have to collect your data elsewhere.........

See, this post came from nowhere. It was nothing to do with anything. They just happen.

On other issues, I am slightly freaked by the fact that school kids here don't have a structured day, like they do in England. Here they wander in and out of classes at various times of the day, depending on when lessons start, whether they get cancelled, whether they have workshops, and whether they fancy a fruit smoothie. And you see kids going to school by themselves who you would never even let go down the street by themselves in England, let along travel across a city. They're all very independent.

In a fit of guilt, I bought two stamps to England, to try and make myself actually write to someone there. However, with the advent of the internet, we've all just got so lazy. E-mail is so much easier.

I have no clothes because the woman house-sitting upstairs hasn't unlocked the door so we can get to the washing machine. And we have no post either, since she hasn't put it upstairs. So soon I will be a scruffy, smelly, scabby girl in schlepples (Correct spelling, Greg?) who has overdue bills. And no job. Hoorah!

A late and rather angry note; on going to the bank to sort out why my damn debit card didn't work (more commission charges on my English Visa here we come) I find that cheques are actually charged for. $20 per cheque book!! This country's banks fleece you to hell. On the upside, I downloaded like mad yesterday, mainly Switchfoot songs, since I happened to like one of their videos. Now I am hooked on their song '24'. I have also just been phoned up by the driving school about lessons - so watch out the streets of Vancouver. I mean it. I'm really not that good.....


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