
Sunday, October 31, 2004

Another day is ended

Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts.

We spent the evening vegging and revelling in the joys of Halloween, after Denise had done a sterling job cutting the pumpkin. A truly artistic effort that needs to be seen to be believed. My little camera was no match for the contrasting darkness and light of the night, so thanks to Denise for taking this picture of her creation, which adorned the porch of our house all evening.

The pumpkins along the block were fantastic, and the house about three doors down had roughly thirty of them, large and small, all intricately carved, all lit up, lining the steps and the porch near to the front door. Tens of small children were running up and down the street in excitement, with parents in tow, all dressed in outrageous costumes (I missed the kid dressed as 'garbage', who was apparently hilarously funny, since he basically had to cart around a trash can for the entire night). There was a carnival atmosphere, and I think we were both rueing the fact that we were too old to dress up and take part in the candy-fest.

So it was a good day for relaxing, a bad day for the 'healthy eating' vow (Chinese takeaway for dinner, and considering the size of the portions here, for the next two days at least), and an ok day for morale. I am scared about having my first driving lesson tomorrow, since I dislike driving anyway, and Vancouver motorists are 'bullies' according to my instructor, but I guess we've all got to do it at some point. I thought about people more than usual today, and got kind of down, but am trying to pull myself back out of it, for fear that I drag people down with me! I hope everyone is well, and I miss you all.



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