
Friday, January 07, 2005

More snow today - good fun to walk around in, but still no chance of running. The snow is up to about five inches now, so I kept ending up with snow in the folds of my trousers, which I had to roll up to actually get anywhere without being dragged down by the weight of water soaking into the fabric.

Yesterday to make up for this I got gym membership and then went swimming. However, since I haven't been swimming for a while, it was quite hard to do many lengths, plus there was some jerk doing turns in my face and trying to be cool. Since my second year I haven't been able to do much front crawl, because of some weird neurological losing my balance type thing I've got going on (the other day I had to fall against a tree down the road to stay upright...) so I am forced to do breaststroke, which is good for the stomach but not at all good for the hips! Today however, I have been less active. I caught the bus downtown, not really because I had anything to do, but more because I wanted to see what the rest of Vancouver looked like in the snow. It was kind of eerie. The main road was relatively clear because of all the traffic on it, but the side streets were deserted and completely white, kind of like a nuclear winter. And when you were at the bottom of the hill, and could see the city stretching out above you, there was this grid of white houses, all looking deserted......

The rest of the day has been spent watching tv and trying to think of things less boring to do. Punctuated by the first tears of 2005 (eight days in - what control) for no real reason, which seeing as I had a headache anyway, just made it worse. I think I realised how crap some of my holiday in England was actually going to be, and how unlikely I was to actually make anything better by going. All the things I wanted to do/say before I left, are unlikely to be done/said this time if I didn't manage to say them the first time! Ouch. But it's booked now, and my parents will be glad to see me anyway.......


Blogger Jen said...

Not unless it's six year very intermittent vertigo. Most of the time it's not a problem, and it doesn't get worse with heights or anything. I don't really figure there's much point finding out what it actually is unless it starts taking over my life...

5:31 p.m.  
Blogger Greg said...

I'm not surprised your trousers weigh you down - I'm surprised they didn't here in Mancville, considering that you must have been wading through puddles half the time.

For what it's worth, I'm looking forward to you visiting. I'll try to have my room cleaned by then.

Incidentally, my internet connection is dead, due to me having somehow damaged the LAN port, so I reckon you'll get you wish of email conversations rather than MSN ones after all.

5:32 p.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

Cheers me dear, I'm looking forward to seeing you as well! I promise I'll try not to clutter your room any more than I have to...

5:37 p.m.  

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