
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The first Wednesday of 2005

So far the bad news has not materialised, though I still expect it to do so some time in the near future. Am I a pessimist, or a realist?!

Third day of training; pretty much a washout. Although I was able to do 10k the other day without much trouble, my legs have subsequently decided they don't like this new forced movement, and all my muscles seized up today, resulting in a run of about 5k only. I really really need a decent massage. Anyone in the Vancouver area? Damn.

I suspect that my father has found this blog, since someone from the Oxford University Chemistry department is checking it, after doing a search for "blog jenny cartwright". Either that, or someone else in the Chemistry department is reading it - in which case, you probably know my father.......


Blogger Caroline & Richard said...

So do you have to train EVERY day for this marathon? When is it exactly?

12:53 a.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

Well, Mondays and Fridays are rest days, but apart from that it's every day training. Although the snow we've just had is going to make things a little interesting.... the actual event is on May 1st. Yikes.

11:23 a.m.  
Blogger Caroline & Richard said...

That'll take some doing. I thought it was a six month training plan!! But the best of British to you. I reckon you'll be ok if you stick to the plan. A good week's smog training in Manchester ought to sort out the cardio-vascular side at any rate! :)

3:43 p.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

Considering how hard I found it to breathe when I was in Manchester the last time, just making it through the week without having an asthma attack will count as an acheivement in my book....

4:44 p.m.  

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