
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

On the fourth day of Christmas.......

Today I managed to take the car stereo back, finally. This did require standing in a queue for a very long time, as other people got irate with the staff in Future Shop (do people think that the staff want customers to return stuff and have to stand around?). I then went out and bought a phone, because I felt bad for wearing Denise's out. It is currently charging, so thankfully I can put off trying to work out how the 'Digital Integrated Answering Machine' works until tomorrow. Help.

After taking the stereo back, I resolved to go for a walk round Stanley Park, as the weather was cold but sunny and clear. Of course as soon as I drove downtown, the mist rolled in and it was impossible to see anything, so I promptly drove home again. A rather abortive mission. I have spent the rest of the day watching frankly pretty awful tv (Lost In Space, Mission Impossible 2..... need I say more) and downloading music (Five For Fighting, The Music, Embrace). A day well spent :s

I saw someone fall off their motorbike outside the 7/11 as I went to get a stamp earlier. Don't worry, they weren't going fast, they had slowed right down and were just rolling into the parking lot when they kind of slid gracefully onto their side, smashing a wing mirror in the process. It was obviously a shiny new Christmas present, complete with shiny new leathers, as they seemed completely nonplussed when they became horizontal, and couldn't work out how to get up off the floor again. And I was powerless to help, being on the other side of the road after posting my letter and stuck in traffic (ok, I could have jaywalked, but it was kind of funny). After a while they managed to peel themselves off the sidewalk and trundle off, pretending that nothing had happened. A bit of a hidden camera moment.

I had a look at the marathon course today - it looks pretty flat, thankfully, though we have to go over the Burrard bridge twice, and that's hard enough for my little car to get over, let alone my legs after 17 and 24 miles. I need to do some serious working out. Denise has sensibly decided against running it with me (and I so know that I am going to envy her this decision!) although she is going to do some of the training. And hints and tips (apart from the obvious - don't run the damn thing) will be appreciated......


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