
Friday, February 25, 2005

Another day, another city

And so, I have moved on from Manchester to Leeds, leaving the guy I stayed with for the past two days behind. I had big plans to talk to him about lots of issues; not just are-you-going-out-with-someone-else issues (this stems from a couple of years ago, and I still don't have the answers!) but issues surrounding where I stand, where I ever stood, how he feels, yadda yadda.... When I left he was still in front of the computer battling orcs or some such. Nothing changes....

He doesn't know I have a blog, and he probably wouldn't read it if he did, but since someone else might know him, I shall leave him anonymous. Suffice to say he was the love of my life for a good few years, but only in a completely insecure way, since we never really went out. I guess when I go back through Manchester on Sunday I could try and have a 'sensible' talk with him, but why spoil more hours of computer game play? :o)

So now I am here to see what Leeds has to hold for a night....rock on.....


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