
Monday, January 31, 2005

That's a wrap!

Yours in tiredness from Vancouver. Having gone to bed at 11:30pm last night, I didn't get to sleep until 1:30am, for no apparent reason. I then got up at 5:00am, since I was awake anyway, and left the house at 6:00am. I drove to Stanley Park and checked in at 6:30am. Which was too early, but I helped the random dogsbody to set up chairs. Sign-in began at 7:00am, and then we had to pass a wardrobe inspection, which involved showing the agent the three choices we'd picked out for our scenes and waiting for her to tell us they were hideous. Luckily for me, she seemed quite taken with my clothes, especially the hideous dress I had bought for $20.

Filming started at about 8:15am, and we concentrated on the opening scene of the movie. The guy who plays Robin Williams was hilarious, and really friendly. After an hour of filming with him, my jaw was hurting from laughing, and we had to do multiple takes because he would either make us laugh when we were meant to be 'frozen' for the camera, or ad-lib and offer a rude joke. At one point he also accidentally hit himself in the crotch with his fake sword, prompting much rolling about and pain. The director and the rest of the crew were fantastic as well, and the only thing wrong with the day was that it was cold, especially when wearing clothes for summer scenes. Anyway, three scenes and lunch brought us up to 5pm. The last scene saw me in the dress, at the front of a wedding, clapping the happy bride and groom. It was cool when the director said the magic 'wrap' words.....

Being an extra is fun!! Though tiring. Pictures to follow, if I can be bothered to dress up again :o)


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