
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Leaving on a jet plane (again)

And so, once more, this is my last day at home before getting on a plane to Vancouver. This time I am slightly more prepared for what comes ahead, and slightly less emotional about going. Luckily my mother has to work tomorrow, so airport scenes will be toned down, though my father insists on taking me there in the car. After jumping on my suitcase it has deigned to close, though any rummaging by customs and it will surely never lock again. Chocolate has been packed and belongings gathered, but the fact that there are two of my tops still drying and waiting to go in the case has just dawned on me, and that could be a problem.

England has been freezing cold, and there was some snow today, but I've enjoyed being here and seeing all my friends again. Not enough time was spent here, but then I would have begun to take advantage of hospitalities if I had been here any longer. I probably did anyway. Things that were in my mind and ready to be said to a few people weren't said - not because I didn't think them any longer, but because peace seemed like the better option. However this isn't all bad, and I have come through the other side unscathed, so I think I can call this trip a success. At least I know that however far my friends and I may scatter, they're still my friends.

My parents were glad to see me, though they were the second lot of people to look slightly worried at the amount of weight I've lost. And they were not that cheered to hear that this was due to stress rather than some effort of mine to shed any excess poundage. Actually I didn't realise how much weight I had lost until Monday, when I went into town and tried on some trousers, only to find that they hung off me. I had to put on the next size down, which I can't remember fitting into since I was about 15. I quite like this state of affairs! Though rest assured that I shall be doing my best to eat lots of doughnuts in order to not lose any more sizes ;o) what a good excuse for indulgence.....

The jogging has gone to pot, and depending on how training goes when I get back to Vancouver I may downgrade to a half-marathon instead of the full one. If I hadn't lost a week and a half to snow, and been here for three weeks, I may have been able to bully my lazy self into a decent attempt at 26 miles, but I think I'm pushing it as things are. I'd rather do half the distance than have a heart attack through over-exertion. Maybe next year.

So soon I shall be back on broadband (thank god!), checking blogs and writing more regularly, watching the new round of reality TV shows that have hit Canada (hoorah!) and trying to find a job. Speak to you all soon... xx

PS Shaw - I have been crap with e-mailing recently. Let me just say that I am really looking forward to you coming over on Saturday, and I can't wait!! Do I have to get broccoli in? ;o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second Dan's wishes for the same trip & can't wait to make my own to see you. Your parents may rest assured that with me around it will be an all-chocolate, all the time diet so you shouldn't be losing much more weight. We will have to go on some runs together however as unlike some people I have to work to keep the excess pounds at bay...I think my dad said something about a good 10k (or maybe it was the 1/2 marathon of which you speak) around the time of the Vancouver marathon so it sounds like there are some slightly less exhausting options for you. At any rate, bon voyage & can't wait to see you this weekend!

12:57 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, that should have said 'safe' trip...

12:58 p.m.  

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