
Monday, November 28, 2005

Just for Jerome

Who will keep hassling me until I update my blog ;o) good naturedly of course.

And who spent a good couple of hours the other night telling me about Reunion (the island) as seen below, since he is from there. For those of you whose geography is as shite as mine, a map is attached. And now I really want to go and see the beaches there, because they are amazing, and I wouldn't mind seeing Madagascar and all its animals either. So thanks, Jerome, for making me extremely jealous that you're going home to 30 degree temperatures in a week's time!!

Just for good measure, I feel that I should steal some of Jerome's pictures from the island and post them later, especially all the ones where he seems to be eating or drinking beer ;o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a nice surprise..a special section about my island. well you are more than welcome to come and visit it one day, now you have a friend living in this little paradise. Jerome

10:05 a.m.  

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