
Friday, March 04, 2005

Back - home?

Well, I have made it through yet another 10 hour flight and have emerged relatively unscathed, if a little tired. I managed to hold out until 10pm last night before crashing, and this morning woke up at 7am, which I can cope with. I have loads of things to do, most of which are fairly mundane, so an early start is good.

It's nice to be back on broadband, although my messenger is giving me cause for concern. A few weeks ago I started getting random people trying to add themselves to my contacts, so I kept blocking them as I didn't know any of them. But now the darn program seems to be deleting people off my contacts and not letting me add them back again. I seem to have lost about four or five people who I actually do know and want on there, and although they are allegedly in my options menu as being in my allow list, they don't appear when messenger is running. (Of course I guess four or five people could suddenly have deleted me, but I would like to think this wasn't the case!). I might have to delete everyone and start again, annoyingly. I can't cope with technology!!

The weather was lovely when I got off the plane yesterday, and all the blossom is out on the trees in our road (see Denise's blog for pictures). I did take some pictures on the flight, but I have to sort through them, so I shall post some later. Spring seems to have come to Vancouver whilst I've been away, and it's good!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay spring I can't wait! It is so cold here right now...

12:57 p.m.  

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