
Friday, March 18, 2005

For Michaela

Who I automatically like because apparently she doesn't think my life is boring, even though she also thinks that it is Bridget Jones-esque with its constant ups and downs. I am trying to keep the Alsatians away from the door, I assure you, but every day they get ever closer....

So now I feel that I should write something really interesting, but in truth I haven't done anything very exciting. I meant to do my work today so that I had the weekend free, but this plan was shattered by the offer of clothes shopping, a curry (tandoori chicken) and gelato (orange, raspberry). My saving grace was that I didn't buy anything during the shop, other than something which Shaw may soon be receiving in the post (for soon, read: once I get my arse in gear and get to the post office). I really have to make a resolution to budget my spending for the month, because everything I earn seems to get spent just as quickly. I keep forgetting that my car insurance payments come out on the 14th of each month as well, so perpetually overestimate how much money my bank holds. A sad state of affairs. So tomorrow will be spent doing the work that I didn't do today. And then on Sunday I really have to try and write this damn research proposal before I meet someone from UBC next week in a desperate attempt to get them to sponsor my application for a pilot research grant. Since I really think that I should have something to propose, rather than just asking them for money (as good as that sounds). Whilst it is going to be interesting delving back into research on MS, writing the proposal is going to be challenging as I've never written one before. But I hope that if I get some ideas down in bullet point form, the UBC prof can rip them apart and tell me where I'm going wrong. Either that or tell me it's a load of bollocks.

In other news, I am going to meet my first Internet blogger...........drum roll...............none other than the wonderful Butterscotch!! Her friend is playing on the Vicky Gabereau show which films in Vancouver, and she has managed to get some tickets for Wednesday. So unless she gets a better offer (i.e. someone male and hot) we are going to meet up in town and go see him. She lives in Langley, which is about an hour from me and is where Denise and I got lost on the way to the Olive Garden for my birthday. So I can pump her for information about the way that the damn roads work in Langley when I see her. It will be strange to meet someone that you only know from blogs, and I'm not entirely sure that we'll be able to pick each other out from the people on the street, but hopefully we'll have a good time, and I'm excited! So after this, I'm gonna have to meet some more bloggers, and get some more internet friendships going. Axe murderers need not apply.

Sorry Michaela, that wasn't very interesting. I promise I'll try and do something better in the next few days!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! a personalized message, that makes me feel special. Ha Ha, I had a good laugh when I first saw it. Anywho, ta ta for now.

11:01 a.m.  
Blogger The Outlaw said...

Bridget Jones! Marvelous! I can totally make that connection!

10:43 a.m.  

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