
Friday, March 11, 2005

A good week

So my friend Shaw has now gone home :o( after a good week of sunny weather, decent temperatures, lots of eating, and some good friendship. We did some touristy things, and some not-so touristy things, but we managed to fill our days quite effectively. Vancouver did its best to show itself off in all its glory, and I think it did it well. Now I plan to go over to Boston at some point (does anyone else think I really need a proper job to do all this stuff?) and see her in turn. Not now, because the weather is horrible apparently, but when it gets nicer.

The weather has been so good here over the past few days that it has given me new hope for my future. I was driving around yesterday with the radio playing and the windows down, in a T-shirt, thinking how fantastic this all was. I would be stupid to give it all up. I am sure I can hold out for another couple of years until my parents retire out here, and if I want to make the effort to see all my friends in England, then I'll just have to work hard enough to get the money to do so. There is no point my pining for things that will never happen; better to dismiss them as over and move on to the next thing. They're just not worth it! (A note of optimism in an otherwise pessimistic girl) Better to be single and looking for work in a beautiful city than having a fucked-up relationship and in a job I hate whilst living somewhere I dislike. Hoorah for optimism!!

Oh, and my first pay cheque from being a film extra was $20 more than I thought. So here's to nice surprises :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah: Sounds like a good, positive outlook to me. Besides, if you stuck it out for a couple more years us greedy ones back home would have more exotic holiday opportunities!! ;)

5:30 a.m.  

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