
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'm still alive....

Spent two hours at the doctors today, getting various tests done - the usual shebang plus an ECG to measure my heart rate. My dad has a hole in his heart, so I think they wanted to cover all the bases. Anyway, I'm sure nothing will show up, but it's always good to be covered just in case.

In other news, life just gets more random. Today there was a 7.0 earthquake in California, and for a few hours Vancouver was on tsunami warning. Which seemed to consist of no-one actually telling us what to do or where to go, but just the fact that we should be warned. Very useful. Anyway, if one happened it was meant to hit around 11pm, and since it's now 11:30pm, I think we're ok. The warning got cancelled a couple of hours ago, but it's scary to know that if there is an earthquake nearer to home, we might not be so lucky. I worry that my new house is too close to the sea and too low down in terms of sea level to be safe, so if there is a proper warning we're going to have to move to higher ground. I already have my route mapped out..... let's hope that Fab can cope with some serious acceleration.

And this evening, I got confirmation that I am volunteering this weekend for a Dragon Boat Racing festival. I got bored with not having any exciting jobs to do, so I just volunteered for a load of stuff. Sadly I think a couple of my shifts might start at 6:30am, but it should be a fun weekend if the weather holds up. Dragon Boat is great to watch. I am in the Racer Services tent, which apparently is great fun, so we shall see. I also have an appointment with another Extras Agency on Thursday, as my current one seems determined to not give any of us any work. Buggers.

I'm tired, so that's all folks....


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