
Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Both to my work, and for jobs. One of which has been good, the other lacking. So..... guess which? Well, I have been doing some work, but haven't been that disciplined (the curse of there being tennis on tv and lots of crappy reality tv shows on). And I have been applying for a couple more jobs instead. Today I sent in an application for a research assistant at UBC to work part-time on a project into Tourette's Syndrome, starting in the next couple of weeks. This was after changing my resume so that my marks are no longer on it, since the marks here and in England are so different. Instead I estimated what kind of percentile I was in with regard to the class, and put that down instead. We'll see if it makes a blind bit of difference. And then tonight I replied to a very random posting from someone in a huge house on an island near Seattle, which is too complicated to explain, but if he replies I'll actually blog about it. In addition to this I've been e-mailing people about renting their houses, riding their horses, and doing everything I should have been doing apart from writing this damn research proposal. Tomorrow I have a first aid course in the evening, so that's it postponed for another darn day.....

Easter weekend was filled with some work, some shopping without actual purchases taking place (always good) and a very nice roast ham dinner at my friends' house, where they surprised me with a solid chocolate bunny, which is currently lingering in my fridge and looking tempting. The weather's been pretty pants though, since it's mainly been raining with a few sunny periods thrown in to confuse you. I also bought one of those tooth-brightening kits, as it was on offer somewhere, so I've started basically sticking hydrogen peroxide in my mouth twice a day. I'll update you on whether my teeth get whiter or my gums rot first.

P.S. Dan - you looked cute in that photo even though you were scowling ;0)


Blogger The Outlaw said...

Hey Jen! My apologies for not commenting in awhile! I've been slacking! (Why is it that slacking seems to be the characteristic we both have most in common!) Lol!

I'll do better in the future! You're not forgotten!


9:03 a.m.  
Blogger Venessa said...

Good luck with the job search.

I don't know why, of all things, this got my attention. But I too participate in the agonizing teeth-whitening ritual. 20 minutes seems like a resonable time to commit to a beautiful smile - until you discover that your gums will be on fire for the last 19.5 minutes of the treatment.

At least when I wax the agony is over in less than 5 seconds.

11:24 a.m.  

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