
Sunday, March 20, 2005

Eating for everyone

To steal the title of Shaw's planned autobiography.

This seems to be pretty much all I've done this weekend. On Friday I planned to do work, but was thankfully sidetracked by shopping. On Saturday I did actually do work, but I also sat around the house quite a lot and watched tv. In addition I posted a message on a forum telling people that I would house-sit for them over the summer or beyond, in an effort to get cheap accommodation without too much hassle. So far I've had three replies, two of which might be worth pursuing. So who knows, maybe that one person going on sabbatical for the next 9 months who needs a nice responsible English girl to house-sit will see my post.

And today I was eating for everyone. The plan was to write my research proposal, but this was slightly scuppered by the fact that I opened my A4 pad to find that I had basically done just that some months previously, at least in bullet point form. So being the lazy sod that I am, I just left it 'as is' and decided to eat and watch tv instead. I did however find some fantastic web pages with houses in Vancouver which I will have to keep an eye on, and some riding schools which I e-mailed as I suddenly had a longing to get back to my equestrian past. I nearly let my enthusiasm take over, and entertained the idea of buying a horse for a couple of hours (they're fairly cheap here) but then saw the stabling fees and thought better of it. I think I need to get a decent job first. Sustaining a car and a horse might cripple me for good. So instead I found yet another website and posted yet another message, asking for a loan/lease of a horse instead. I think I'm addicted to web postings.

Now I'm stitting in front of the tv, watching Lleyton Hewitt get his arse whooped by Roger Federer, and contemplating how many more days it's going to rain for. CNN says 6 out of the next 7, the Weather Network says 4. I want to believe the latter, since I'd like to get out of the house for a few hours without having to cart my very holey umbrella around (Primark having finally failed me). Tomorrow my new cell phone should allegedly arrive, which is good, since I'll probably need it to communicate with Butterscotch on Wednesday when we try and find each other for this tv show. And I can finally let the extras company know that they can reach me, since I think they're getting a bit pissed off that I'm never in when they phone. Of course this may mean more days of filming in the bitter cold and pissing rain, but I have great hopes that Spring will come back next week. As for the rest of the week? Who knows......


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