
Monday, March 21, 2005

A busy day

This morning I woke up at about 7am, when there was a strange crashing noise upstairs. For some reason our landlords seem to need no sleep at all, often going to bed after us and getting up at obscene hours every morning. Added to this, they're both slightly deaf, so the morning is a riot of tv, radio, crashing, banging and shouting. As are most evenings. But anyway. So I couldn't be bothered to get up, and went back to sleep again. I was then woken up by a banging on the door at 9am, and stumbled to open it in my pyjamas, being greeted by the Purolator man with my cell phone.

The next hour was filled with trying to work out how to get the damn phone to charge (wobble charger connection into the right place) and talking to my boss at work in England while she sent over lots of work to me. After finally getting the phone to power up, I rang the research woman at UBC to talk to her about getting some possible funding. Half an hour of phone call later, I had somehow roped myself into writing a research summary to send to two other departments in UBC, changing my resume so that it didn't have my marks on it (the difference between English top marks and Canadian top marks is about 25% on paper) and most worrying of all, agreeing to think about doing a PhD. Hmm, strange one. Not sure how I got into that conversation.

This brought me up to about 10:30am, when I logged onto the Internet to allegedly do some work, and instead got sidetracked by job websites and Ebay. I then had a shower and decided to post Shaw's present, so walked down to Kerrisdale and the post office. I also accidentally shoplifted the padded envelope after mishearing the woman at the counter. I thought she said, "Do you have to pay for that?" but it seems she said, "Have you paid for that?" Since I nodded, I guess technically I stole the thing. But it was only 72c, so I didn't feel too bad about it.

Back to the house, where I phoned the film extras company to give them my cellphone number (sighs of relief that I am finally contactable). It seems they have lots of work over the next two weeks, so here's hoping I get some interesting projects. By this time it was lunchtime and I didn't have any work done. So after some lunch, I opened my work file........ and immediately three people started talking to me on messenger. I never learn to log myself off :o) So it was interesting because I got to see Butterscotch on webcam (guys, she's very cute), since we need to recognise each other on Wednesday. Scarily, we both logged off with exactly the same comment. I then got into a text message test conversation with Dan to see if my phone functioned, interspersed with some photos of Sarajevo being sent to me by one of my exes out there doing UN work, before I finally settled down to do some work. This was quickly scuppered by my new phone going unexpectedly - Dan on his way home from work in Boston. Another twenty minutes of phone conversation, and I was still no closer to doing work! However, I resolved to get down to it after that, and did a solid four hours or so without a break, accomplishing a lot more than I thought I would.

The evening has been filled with a bit more work, a couple more texts, quite a bit of tv, some Internet browsing, a very healthy salad closely followed by some unhealthy Galaxy chocolate, and some good news in the form of a woman who wants me to ride her horse for her for free. You were right Butterscotch, such mad people really do exist! The downside is that she's located more than an hour away from Vancouver, but then all the stables are about that far away because that's where all the good rides are. It's nice to know that I can get a bit of relaxation in every now and then anyway, as long as her horse isn't a psycho. Watch this space....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Present!
I haven't been able to post for awhile but EVERYONE GO VISIT JENNY, it's totally fun, and she's totally cute ;)

1:14 p.m.  
Blogger Jen said...

I don't really think about remarking on the attractiveness of girls now, but I used to not do it. Maybe guys just like girls commenting on other girls' cuteness? ;o) I don't think "cute" is really a male to male word anyway. If a guy called another guy "cute" I'd think it was a bit weird, but if he just said they were really attractive, I'd probably agree with him :p

2:13 p.m.  

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