
Thursday, March 31, 2005

The rain in BC falls mainly on Vancouver

I write this with a stomach ache, which is probably the result of my having eaten two big filo pastries with spinach and cheese in. They always look a lot smaller before baking. However, on the up side, I did write 1,500 words of my research summary today whilst watching the tennis.

I have just seen an ad for the film I was in in January; it's on Monday at 9pm. As for the channels, well it's channel 11 ('chan') and 16 ('king') here, but I have no idea what those channels are elsewhere. Apparently it's on NCB in Boston, so Dan says. It's called Behind The Camera: The Unauthorised Story of Mork and Mindy. Look out for me in hippie dress in the park watching Robin Williams busking (in red cords, bright orange top, orange headband), beating on the side of his telephone box (jeans, leather jacket), and in the left front row of his wedding clapping (damn cold pink and brown strappy dress, pigtails). I will check the details, but I'll probably video it anyway just to see if I can see myself :p how very sad! If it's a bad film, feel free to turn it off - I didn't say it would be good. However, it's worth seeing the busking scene just for the wit of Chris Diamantopoulos, who let me say now, is very cute. Sadly engaged, but cute.

So I e-mailed the guy I mentioned the other day, who was advertising for a kind of house-sitter/housekeeper for his house off the coast of Seattle. He wanted someone to look after the house when he was away doing lawyer-type stuff, and to keep an eye on his younger brother. I told him that I could come and work for him after the summer, but that I really needed to be here in the summer months, because my parents were coming over then. He wrote a very nice e-mail back, telling me that I sounded "very normal, in a good way" and that I should contact him at the end of the summer when I was free, to see what could be done. We then got into exchanging e-mails about the relative merits, or not, of England and America, and it was all very pally. An interesting day!

Yesterday I did a first aid course, although it doesn't qualify me for an actual certification yet, I have to do further training. But it was really interesting, and the guy from St John's Ambulance who taught it was a good instructor. He went through all the basics, along with some legal stuff too. What I found surprising was that in Canada (and in America too, I hear) legally you have to ask if it is ok to treat someone before you do so (as long as they can answer you). And once you start treating someone, you are legally obliged to keep treating them until they die, someone else takes over from you, it is too dangerous for you to continue, or you are physically incapable of continuing. If you give up, you get sued. If you decide that someone else nearby needs your help more than the person you're working on, and you go treat them instead, you get sued. Which kind of makes sense in a way, but if someone suddenly starts going into shock nearby, and you stop working on someone you think is past help to aid the other person, maybe the law should give you a break! Anyway, let's hope I don't have to use my new-found skills very often. I have to build myself a first aid/disaster kit though, because I don't have one.

In other news, the rain just keeps on falling here...............


Blogger Jen said...

Does Moses? And where did Moses come in here? Am I missing something?

11:46 p.m.  
Blogger Caroline & Richard said...

Hi Jen

Tries to reply to your comment via my blog, but it crashed. :( It is recurring problem, do you get the same?

Anyway the jist was:

Xmas Party - Don't get me started, they're on about it again today trying to pick a date. I just hide behind my monitor and a pile of files! :)

Haircut - It is a place called Bury Barbers in Bury (suprisingly!) near the very crappy nightclub. I think the reason it's only £5 for me is that they generally don't use scissors, no. 5 on top no. 2 back and sides. It also means it's bvery very difficult for them to get wrong!

Rich .x

2:59 a.m.  

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