
Monday, April 04, 2005

Computer hassles

Yesterday was spent fighting with the computer. For some reason it decided to freeze on me whenever I was using the internet, and the usual remedy of ctrl+alt+del didn't even bring the processes box up onto the screen. Much turning off at the power switch and some panicking. But then I discovered that Compaq has a neat little messenger-type chat facility going on their website. And after some discussion with a nice Compaq support technician who was allegedly called 'Jane' (I'm sure they don't use their real names) the problem seems to have fixed itself. There was a minor blip when I found that the scroll facility on the touch pad wasn't working, but one quick e-mail later, and a reply within two minutes, and that's fixed too. So thank goodness for the powers of messenger programs :o)

Of course now that I've got this all fixed, I didn't get sent any work today. This seems to have been a particularly lean week for work, and hence for money. The good news is that I haven't spent anything since I made my vow to be frugal the other day, and I still have the $25 in my wallet. And it's a nice day, so I'm going to go jogging later. Hoorah!

Denise and I got excited last night when Greg told us that the program he was interviewed for would be on in the evening. However, we soon discovered that it was actually only on in America, since the History Channel doesn't deem Canada good enough to give us their programming. So we're still waiting. I have e-mailed them to ask when it's going to be shown here, but they haven't got back to me yet (they need to take a leaf out of Compaq's book I feel). So we are still Greg-less here :o( Although I don't feel that I can match Greg's fame, since his is based on actual knowledge whereas mine is based on boredom, the film I was in in January is on tonight. I was cheered by catching sight of myself (well, my head) in the trailer for it last night, beating on the side of a phone box and nearly losing my very silly woolly hat in the process. I can hear fame calling as I write. Not.

The gardener and the man who's meant to be demolishing the deck have both arrived, since the weather is nice today. The circular saw has just started up. It's going to be one of those days.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, my computer acts up as well and I have to do ctrl+alt+del as well. It can be such a pain. Anyway, hopefully you will have a hasle free week this week.

9:40 p.m.  

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