
Friday, April 08, 2005

Stop, start, stop, start.........

That seems to be my life at the moment.....

The beginning of the week was extremely slow - no work on either Monday or Tuesday, rain, nothing to do, quite a lot of boredom. On Tuesday night I went to bed at 11pm to get some much-needed sleep, then woke up at 1:30am to realise that Denise still wasn't home, despite her saying that she would be back at about 5:30pm. Panicking, I rang the hospital to make sure she hadn't been involved in any hideous car accidents, then rang my mother in England (thank god for the time difference). As she was advising me to phone the police, enter Denise. Back to bed, little sleep, late rising on Wednesday to find..... e-mail from work with a stupid number of forms to check by Friday morning. Hence Wednesday and Thursday were spent doing nothing else other than working, with the occasional break for the sake of sanity. At least I managed to get the work done though. And today of course, back to no work at all. I spent a good two hours sitting on the doorstep talking to the builder and playing with his dog. Nice, but not that productive. He did give me the name of a woman to ask for a gardening job over the summer, but she doesn't have a website, and I am scared to ring up and leave a message on her answering machine - "Hi, you don't know me, my name's Jenny, John the builder said to ring you.... I'm desperate for a job, wouldn't mind being on your gardening crew, no experience whatsoever, but ring me, ok? Bye......."

I was cheered by the fact that I have some extras work this weekend, some commercial or other for which $150 will wing its way to me. However, this good cheer is tempered by the fact that the commercial is scheduled for tomorrow, which is the only day for the next few weeks where I actually had something else to do. I've had this course booked since January, an all day thing which is related to my Emergency Social Services volunteering, and it only comes round every so often. The sensible thing to do would have been to turn down the extras work and go to the course, but my bank balance drove me to accept the potential $150. I can only hope that it rains tomorrow, in which case they would move the filming to Sunday. The hectic past two days have meant that I haven't learnt my lines for the bunny-boiling casting session on Sunday, so if I was to have to miss that, I wouldn't mind so much. But then it never rains when you want it to.

The job hunt goes on, as ever, and so does the hunt for somewhere to live when Denise moves out at the end of May. I was hoping to have one sorted out before the other, since trying to do both at once with no success coming from either is rather dispiriting. I kind of want to move to Victoria after the summer, and chance my hand at jobs there, which means that I would need a place to live in Vancouver for June, July, August and September only. At minimum I need a month to month lease, so that if I find a job in Victoria I can give notice and immediately move. However, this is all rather sketchy and scarily indistinct, and I just wish that someone would offer me a damn job in one city or the other so I could make some decent plans. I could stay in this house, but I'd have to have another housemate since I couldn't afford to pay both rents, and the chances of them being as nice/nicer than Denise are low. Plus I want a darn bathtub, and I'm fed up of having to schedule times to do our laundry! On that note; I am going to go and buy a lottery ticket, and see if I have better luck with that. Cross fingers.......

PS My friend's website is now up and running (and rather nice) so if you like Jazz, or you're just curious, check out Romain - coming through your radio in the near future, I hope :o)


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