
Saturday, January 28, 2006

Just some thoughts

That have been kicking around in my head.

1. There are a lot of people in this world who have the emotional maturity of a root vegetable, and many of them seem to cross my path at some point. I'm not sure if this reflects badly on them, or me.

2. Sometimes you realise in hindsight that you read a situation a certain way, but
that things were actually completely different. I had one such epiphany the other day, but although I should have been dismayed by the realisation that someone just said a load of stuff because it was obviously what I wanted to hear, it actually didn't bother me that much. Maybe I've finally grown up, apparently before the other person did.

3. I am perpetually dissatisfied with life. Or maybe it is dissatisfied with me?

4. I actually downloaded an entire episode of Supernatural simply to find out how much air time I got on screen. How sad is that!

5. I'm not quite sure how I am going to get over my laziness genes in order to train for this damn half marathon that I have in May. Answers below please.

6. As you can see, I am a list-maker.

Monday, January 23, 2006

In the blogging wilderness

Yes, I am still here. It's just been a busy two weeks. That's all I've been back in Vancouver for, but it seems like ages - I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.....

I've been back at UBC, temping in the job I was doing before Christmas. It's been quite interesting, since the application process is onto a new phase now and applicants keep ringing up or e-mailing me. I've also worked at SFU, been ten-pin bowling, helped pack up an entire house, had two interviews, applied for jobs that I'm possibly qualified for and those that I'm not, and been to a Bryan Adams concert. Which was fantastic. There were the usual suspects in terms of songs - he hit the jackpot with 'Summer of '69', then ruined the good work by playing 'Everything I Do' immediately after it. And is it just me, or did everyone else think the damn song was about a year? Call me innocent, but I didn't ever think about the alternative. And yet Bryan Adams prefaced the playing of the song by saying, "I'm often asked whether this next song is about a year..... or a sexual position.... and let me tell you, it isn't about a year...." Thanks for ruining it for me, Bryan.

Anyway, he did his set, and then there was the usual encore, and then he came back and did a couple more songs, and then he went off again. But the crowd refused to leave, since this is his home town and they wanted more, so there was a full five minutes of clapping and cheering, and eventually he appeared again with a guitar and proceeded to play six more songs acoustically. It was a good night.

Tomorrow Sunshine has roped three of us into some sort of consumer panel type night, which seems to involve us going to a hotel, watching a short film and then some commercials, and then rating them. The promise of free food is the basic draw, but it should be fairly interesting as well. Then on Weds I am giving in and getting my eyes tested, since I suspect that I might need reading glasses sometime in the near future. Sob.

And the brief news: my mp3 player won't show me the pictures that I've loaded onto it, and the Conservatives seem to have won the f***ing election. Except here in Vancouver Quadra, where the Liberals kicked their arses.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Still alive

I suppose I should qualify the last post by reassuring everyone that I am still alive, etc etc. I just got back to Vancouver to find a $1500 bill for car repairs on my desk, sent by my insurance company, after some stupid bint managed to run into me before Christmas. My car has but a scratch on it, and she was playing silly buggers in the road, but since she was on a main road and I only on a side road, and since nobody bothered to stop and be my witness, I have to pay the bill. Or have my insurance go up from -10% to +40%, which will cripple me over the next three years rather than crippling me all at once. Marvellous.

Anyway, I have just about recovered from the stress, after a good old fashioned cry, 12 hours of sleep, and the cancellation of my fitness classes to get some much-needed money back, so let us move on. Thanks to everyone who accommodated me in England, especially Greg for his mattress-lending and Sarah for her cooking. I had a fab time and really wasn't that impressed about coming back here, but at least it gets less heart-wrenching every time I do it. And the parents didn't cry at the airport this time, so it was good. I saw my marvellous ex-boyfriend Oli, who scared me somewhat by initially appearing all grown up and lawyery, but thankfully remaining the same fab person he always was underneath. And of course I have acquired a new reader, so that's always good. I like to inflict my crap on as many people as possible.

I also went through wedding photos from Jeannine and Oli's big day (the friends that I managed to kick up the arse and get together a couple of years ago), met some of my forensic coursemates and had typically ghoulish conversations, and mended bridges with Neil after apologising for being a bitch last year. Christmas is always good for burying hatchets, as long as they're not in anyone's heads. I attempted Trof chocolate cake and the Oriental buffet - failing miserably at both - and bought far too many sale items to bring back in my suitcases without worrying that they were going to explode. But it all worked out fairly well, I think. There were some good times. Now I just need to pay my car bill, earn some money, get over to Boston to see Shaw and Dan, and convince everyone else to come over here and see me. My evil machinations roll on. Or something.

Monday, January 09, 2006

It is a well known fact that when things seem to start to go right, they then turn around and bite you in the arse. So I suppose I should have planned for the fact that having spent three weeks having a good time in England, the first hour of my being in Vancouver has been one of the worst starts to a year I have ever had. Cheers.

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